Muscle Sprain or Strain
Is the most common injury to the lower back area. Often caused by some sort of strenuous activity or Repetitive activity. Such as lifting, twisting or even trauma. This usually resolves within a few days with rest. If they do not resolve within a few days, there is possibility of further damage to the nerves and discs.
is a term used to describe the symptoms of leg pain, including shooting, stabbing, tingling, numbness, or weakness that travel down the low back via the sciatic nerve and can go all the way down into the leg and foot area. This can occur in one leg or can occur in both legs.
Lumbar Herniated Disc
A disc herniation occurs when the soft inner gel in the disc breaks and leaks back either into the spinal canal or pushes back against a nerve. This herniation causes the disc to push on the spinal canal and the nerve associated with that disc and vertebra, causing pain to radiate down the nerve leading to sciatica or leg pain.
Degenerative Disc Disease
A degenerated disc is not actually a disease, but an accelerated part of the normal aging process. When a spinal disc degenerates, it loses its ability to function efficiently. The cushioning in the disc wears down, thus causing decreased shock absorption. This leads to decreased joint space, and increased swelling. This can lead to back pain, possible radicular symptoms, followed by increased arthritic changes.